Download pypi and install it on your server with python.
Once the install is complete, run the following code. It will:
1. create a table
2. create a few inserts
3. select the records
4. loop through and print the records
import pypyodbc
#connect to the database.
conn = pypyodbc.connect(driver='{SQL Server}', server='myserver', database='mydb', uid='user', pwd='pass')
cur = conn.cursor()
table_create = """
if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'Hello_World')
Create Table Hello_World (id int identity, val varchar(32))
cur.execute(table_create) #create the table
cur.execute("insert into hello_world values ('Hello'), ('to'), ('you'), ('too')") #insert some rows
cur.commit() #commit the above sql statements.
cur.execute("select * from hello_world")
results = cur.fetchone()
while results:
print ("values : id=" + str(results[0]) + " and val='" + results["val"] + "'")
results = cur.fetchone()