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MDX Query Examples - Item Lag, Lead and Tail

-- Using Tail Non Empty

Order (	
			 [Sales Shipping Date PST].[Fiscal Periods].[Standard Date] 
				, [Measures].[Order Count]
			) , 1
			NONEMPTY( [Sales Shipping Date PST].[Fiscal Periods].[Standard Date] 
				, [Measures].[Order Count]
			) , 1
	, [Sales Shipping Date PST].[Fiscal Periods].currentmember.member_value
	, DESC	

-- between two tails
TAIL(NONEMPTY([Sales Shipping Date PST].[Fiscal Year And Period Label].children, [Measures].[Order Count]) , 1).item(0).lag(2)
TAIL(NONEMPTY([Sales Shipping Date PST].[Fiscal Year And Period Label].children, [Measures].[Order Count]) , 1).item(0)



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