The script below checks for ollama service on the standard localhost port. If it can't be reached, we kill the process and start a new one.
The environment variables allow for hosting on your local network, multiple models loaded (3), parallel execution of request (2) and storage of models in gpu memory for 1 hour of non usage before being released.
# Path to the Ollama server executable
$ollamaPath = "C:\<path to ollama>\ollama.exe"
# Function to check if the Ollama server is running
function Check-OllamaServer {
try {
# Send a request to the Ollama server
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:11434" -TimeoutSec 10 -UseBasicParsing
return $true
} catch {
return $false
# Function to restart the Ollama server
function Restart-OllamaServer {
# Define the environment variables
$env:OLLAMA_HOST = ""
$env:OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE = "60m"
# Kill existing Ollama processes
Get-Process -Name "ollama" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force
# execute the command
Start-Process -FilePath $ollamaPath -ArgumentList "serve"
# Main loop to check the server health every 10 seconds
while ($true) {
if (-not (Check-OllamaServer)) {
Write-Output "Ollama server is not responding. Restarting..."
} else {
Write-Output "Ollama server is running normally."
# Wait for 1 minute before checking again
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10